I have used the following gear and like all of them.

 Kenwood TS-570D     Yaesu 857D



Text Box: The 570D has everything I like in a transceiver. It runs all modes and connects right up to your computer's RS-232 serial interface - no level shifting required. The built-in antenna tuner is great! I like the 500Hz crystal filter for CW. A great value.



Text Box: I have not used the 857D for very long. My initial reaction was not good but that did not last too long. One has to spend a lot of time with the manual but after you do it really grows on you.
I bought it primarily for a mobile/portable  rig.
  Butternut   HF6V            Diamond X50A


Text Box: I really like the way this antenna is constructed. It included everything I needed to put it up. Working great for me.
Text Box: I have had this antenna up for almost 18 years now. Works great at my location - no complaints about this antenna.