These pages will chronicle my first amplifier project. I will
discuss overall motivation & constraints, why various choices were made and the current
status of the project.
This is not a project that has a very well defined start or end ( I will
explain more a bit later). But after all, it is the journey that is most
4-400A Tetrode HF Amplifier Project
Many parts of this project remain undocumented here.
Too much time has passed and my interest has moved on to other things.
However, the project was successful and the amplifier was used on the 80, 40 & 20 meter bands.
It worked well for SSB, CW, & RTTY.
Useful Information for Amp Builders
Amplifier Design
AMPS Mailing List Archive
Roll Your
Own Power-Transformers - Link no longer active.
Peter W. Dahl Co.
Care And Feeding Of Power Grid Tubes -
New Version - Link updated 03-22-2010
technical Bulletins - Link no longer active
Screen Current and Grid
Driven Tetrode Linear Amplifiers
Basic Tube Design - Link no longer active